Sapphique by Catherine Fisher

Posted: April 20, 2011 in dystopia, fantasy. supernatural

Prepare to re-enter the bizarre worlds of Incarceron and the Outside once again! Attia is a magic show plant for the crazy magician Rix as they travel through the bowels of Incarceron trying to make contact with Finn, who Kiero is sure abandoned his oath brother for a life of luxury in the Realm. Travel with Rix is dangerous and the two young people strike out on their own yet are imprisoned by a settlement of women. Meanwhile, Finn is desperate to save his friends by rebuilding the portal to Incarceron. His right to the crown is challenged by a possible impostor and Claudia is torn between Finn and her mentor, Jared. The Realm is flickering toward extinction as a last stand between Finn, Claudia and Jared against the queen and her forces crescendos at the warden’s home. If that isn’t enough, Incarceron is trying to free itself from itself. Confused? Crazy enough, it all makes sense in this amazing fantasy/science fiction/dystopia world. I have not read Incarceron, but I understood and was captivated by the entire story.

ENDERS’ Rating: *****

Catherine Fisher’s website

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